5 Ways Your Website Could Change This Year

Once you create your website, your work isn’t done. The digital landscape changes over time and it’s important to refresh your website frequently to keep the information accurate and maintain attention from the search engines and visitors alike. In the coming year, consider these 5 ways your website could change this year.

1. Update About Us

While much of the information here will remain the same, keeping up with any new facts about your company can keep your readers up-to-date on the latest changes. Add your latest landmark customers, any new markets you are reaching into and new location openings or moves.

2. Add New Services or Products

Many businesses slowly add products and services as they grow. Every few months, look at these pages and make sure everything is accurate, including what you offer and how much each item costs. This can save complications when potential customers contact you and you either no longer offer the service or the price has changed.

3. Keep Contact Information Current

If your business has moved or you have someone new to add to the contact page, update this data as soon as possible. This information can play a role in your Google rankings as well. Make sure any contact information you list is consistent across the Internet, including your social media pages, online directories and your website itself.

4. Refresh Images

Repeat customers can often become bored with seeing the same images every time they visit your website. Products may also change over time. Therefore, it’s critical to evaluate the images on your website and update them frequently. The new pictures will keep your website fresh and clean.

5. Retake Staff Photos

Because customers love to put a face to the companies they deal with, you may include photos of key staff members. However, everyone changes as they age. This means you should take new photos of your employees so you can update your website. If you have made any staff changes, make sure your website reflects those as soon as possible after the transition to prevent confusion.

If you need help updating your website or any other aspect of your digital marketing, contact us.