3 Reasons to Focus More on Email Marketing

Social media marketing is all the rage right now, but many people overlook one of the most successful and profitable techniques to connect with new customers and clients, email marketing. There are few things less sexy than email marketing, but the fact is it works. You can spend hours of your time and throw tons of money at social media marketing when you probably should have been spending those resources on your email subscribers.

Everyone has Email

As Kissmetrics points out, one of the biggest cases for email is that it’s so widely used and prevalent in our society. For example, Kissmetrics notes that there are about 2.9 billion email accounts out there. Also, all of the daily posts on Twitter and Facebook combined make up only 0.2 percent of the number of emails sent every day. Is it clear just how big and important Email is now? Yeah, you need to spend more time on it.

You Can Build Strong Connections with Your Customers

When you send an email it goes to an actual person, barring any delivery issues. This means you have direct access to someone. You’re not spouting advertisements on a social channel. It also means that you can connect with people on a more personal level and build a relationship with them. Through that relationship, you can find out exactly what someone needs and provide them with exactly what they want. That strong relationship can also lead to repeat business. You can build a relationship on social media, but not in the same way.

Segmentation is Easy Compared to Other Marketing Techniques

Yeah, Facebook and Twitter offer you a lot of audience segmentation tools, but the thing is that Facebook and Twitter decide those rules. With email, you make the rules as to how you want your list segmented. Segmentation along with email automation can lead to some seriously impressive results. Also, note when you segment your email list, you communicate differently with different customers, meaning you’ll provide a more rewarding experience for them.

Need help with your email marketing efforts? Reach out to Summit Digital today and stop wasting money on other marketing paths.